Monday, June 9, 2008


Summer has descended like a wet electric blanket here in Gotham.  And with the humidity comes the equally tacky fashions- only to be explained by heat induced cataracts or advanced heatstroke.

The unofficial kick-off is Puerto Rican Day Parade, which salsa-ed it's way down 5th Avenue this past Sunday.  The signature one starred  flag is magically transformed into a halter top! Poof!  Jean shorts worn so short, it gives me a yeast infection just looking at them.  Itch!

To borrow a line from the Noel Coward's play, Hayfever (made long before the advent of the hyperextended tube top, though certainly still applicable), a lot of NYC summer looks  "strain freedom to it's limits." 

But worse than all these, the summer trend that seems here to stay, is STRAIGHT MEN IN FLIP FLOPS.  I have no good explanation for my aversion, except to say they are to be filed in the same category as Co-Ed Naked Lacrosse t-shirts and the fragrance, Drakkar Noir.  It just smacks of  keg stands, date rape, and other time honored American college campus past times.  

Flip flops are okay, gay men in flip flops- no problem, women in flip flops- fine with a pedicure, but heterosexual males should just not be allowed..... This ain't Greece.  

I'm going to write Bloomberg.  He'll fix it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Couldn't have said it better myself. Yet...what about straight Puerto Rican men in flip-flops? I think, perhaps, a territorial turned eye?