Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the stages of ;-)

I've been trying to pinpoint the exact moment I started reflexively emoticon-ning.

A year ago, I sneered at ;-) sign offs.  Grow up, thought I.

Two years ago, I had no idea what an emoticon was.  I was too busy figuring out Facebook.

Three years ago, I'm not sure it was even a word.

This is a pattern in terms of my relationship with technology.  CD's, cell phones, email, Ipods, Facebook- it's all the same.

Here are the stages of ;-)

disorientation: what is an emoticon?
annoyance: why can't you just express emotion through words?
generational disdain: why is my generation so lazy and immature?
rebellion: I will never use emoticons.  
psychological analysis: why is it easier to write a a smiley or frowney?  what are you really avoiding?
anthropological critique: is this an emotional disconnect specific to our post industrial pre-apocalypse world? 
bargaining: ;-) is kind of easier.  I'll just ;-) sometimes.  
acceptance/exhaustion: I love emoticons.  I'm too busy to feel.  How did I ever live without ;->


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