Thursday, July 17, 2008


What does it mean exactly when you're poked on Facebook?  I have enough trouble decoding people in real life and now this?  I phoned a wise friend in Los Angeles hoping he could help. He only said he wouldn't touch "the Facebook" with a virtual 10 foot pole, after the therapy bills he accrued from being a victim of Friendster. 
So, I got a little Nancy Drew/Lois Lane on it and went to the faceless Facebook information page to get an automated quote on the ambiguous virtual gesture.  Amazingly, there is a section dedicated to POKES and their meaning.  I guess I'm not the only one.  
Their explanation is equally esoteric:

A poke is a way to interact with your friends on Facebook.  When we created the poke, we thought it would be cool to have a feature without any specific purpose.  People interpret the poke in many different ways, and we encourage you to come up with your own meanings.

Cool? Sure, if by cool you mean, horrible.   What is so awesome about things without specific purpose?  That is so my anti-narrative loving irony obsessed generation.  I spend every waking moment interpreting.  The last thing I need is to come up with more of my own meanings.  

To me the poke is inherently pervy and I welcome any and all definitions from you gentle reader, just pretty please, be specific.

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